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Do I need to have a greenhouse to join in with The Floral Project?

Do I need to have a greenhouse to join in with The Floral Project?

The short answer is no.

If you don't have a greenhouse, you can simply use a sheltered spot in your garden so your seedlings are protected from the worst of the wind and rain. And a simple sheet of horticultural fleece tucked around them for the frostiest days and nights.

The second answers is....but why wouldn't you?

Here's the set up that I have and love.

Now, I bought mine during lockdown from Aldi, at the time of posting this video, they didn't have any available, but do always check with them as they were great value.

So, here are some links to similar products on Amazon:

Here's the link to a similar mini-greenhouse in the video:

And here is the slightly larger one - these have gone up in price a little since I bought mine and the shelving arrangements change depending on what you buy, but this one is an example of plenty of others you'll find on Amazon.

Click here to buy:


Please, please please: weigh these down with bricks and concrete slabs and tie those shelves onto the frame with string!

As an alternative solution, some of our Floral Project members have had great success growing with these plastic crates. Simply put your seed trays or pots into these and put them outside. Take the lids off during the day and put them on in bad weather and at night - you can also always tuck some fleece over them all at night. Make sure the lids do come off so the plants are well ventilated. 

Drill holes in the bottom for drainage or just be careful that after watering no water sits in the bottom of the box.

So.....a bit more fussing required here, but another cheap and cheerful solution!

Here's a link (you'll find lots of different types if you look around, these are just an example):


Here are the photos from one of our Floral Project members, Anna, who has had great success using this as her 'greenhouse'

And another tip from one of our Floral Project members, Aimee who tried both a plastic greenhouse as above and using boxes:

"I took temperatures in both the zippy and the plastic boxes in the same location last year and found plastic boxes have slightly better protection from lower temps. With and without frost cloth in! Also kept slugs and snails out better than a zippy greenhouse and are much more portable if you want to pick your plants up and move them about into shelter or sun etc. One advantage the zippy had is that it was so easy to roll up the door for ventilation and it could stay open on wet warm days.
You can do this with storage boxes if you adapt slightly- turn the boxes upside down so the plants are sat on the lid, and then put the base over the top to close. The base becomes a lid, which you can prop open to give them an airing. This protects them from sitting in a stackabox full of water after leaving them alone all day!
Boxes are also good when hardening off* before planting out in the garden because you can just take off the lid to expose them, rather than lifting all your trays in and out of the zippy every day/night. The only downside really is they don’t look quite as good as a greenhouse I suppose 🤷🏼‍♀️"
Image also by Aimee Chorley Hoggarth
* don't worry if you're new to gardening and don't know what this means - we'll go over that together!
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