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How to grow Achillea

How to grow Achillea


Achillea millefolium

Also known as Yarrow.

Type - Hardy Perennial

Border position - MIddle

Soil type - Chalky, Fertile, Neutral, Sandy

Site - Full Sun, Part Shade


Sow under cover between February and June or sow direct into the ground between May and June.

Light aids germination of seeds, so sow on the surface of good seed compost.


They can be grown from seed, from tip cutting or dividing the plant.

A minimum of 8 hours a day of sunshine is required for flower production.


Flowers from June to September and are vigorous growers.

They come in a range of beautiful colours (see below).

They are part of the daisy family and their flowers can reach 10cm in diameter.

Grows up to 1.5m high depending on the variety and may need support to prevent it falling over.

Harvest flowers when their pollen becomes visible - harvesting before this will shorten vase life and remove all flowers as they start to fade to prevent it going to seed and the risk of botrytis.

Make sure to deadhead throughout the flowering season to create more blooms.

So, my favourite question: if I cut the flowers, will it grow more? Yes.

In the autumn, cut the plant back hard -  don't forget these are perennials so they'll be back year on year - they will slowly spread over the years and can be divided to create more plants.

Yarrows can be dried and used as everlasting flowers. Harvest blooms when the pollen is visible and hang flowers upside down to dry.


It's pretty easy to grow and is usually pest-free  - though may attract aphids (if that happens, you can use a biorational pesticide).

Powdery mildew can sometimes occur and is identified by white powdery growth on upper and lower leaf surfaces. This disease does not kill the plant, but it may reduce flower quality. If powdery mildew appears, remove the infected plant parts.

In Bouquets

The flowers can be used fresh or dried.

The foliage is also great for the cut flower grower as it's silvery-grey or green and feathery.

Take a look at my Achillea Bouquet board on Pinterest for inspiration:


These flowers are perfect for pollinators, especially hover flies so great for your garden's eco-credentials too.  



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