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Floral Project Planting Calendar

Floral Project Planting Calendar

When to plant half-hardys under cover for summer flowers?

When to direct sow hardy annuals for spring blooms?


I created this spreadsheet to give you a rough idea of when to do what:)

For the majority of blooms we will be planting, there are three key times of the year to start off your seeds.

The Floral Project is able to buy high quality seeds as a collective and at these key times of the year, I'll simply email round and ask if you'd like me to get all your seeds in for you - and send them to you all ready to go at the right time of th year in one of our beautiful Floral Project boxes.

The lazy way to grow :)

So... to discover your dates.

Firstly download this simple spreadsheet.

Click where instructed to find your first and last frost dates and simply add them to the green boxes on the spreadsheet and voila! All the maths and hard work done for you. 

Now simply hit print and pin it up on your wall.

Obviously these dates are not 100% accurate - for example my last frost was due to be 10 May in 2020 but was actually around the 15th but this should help you get clear on the main key sowing times and let you see there's ALWAYS something we can be up to in the garden on any given month.

Sowing, pricking out, planting out, harvesting - there's no excuse to not be outside:)

If you find this calendar useful, please do use the share buttons below to share with others.

Click here to download your Floral Project Planting Calendar.

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