How To Cut, Condition, Arrange and Wrap Your Flowers
If you're staring at a garden full of flowers and have no idea when to cut them, where to cut them, or what to do with them when you do - then you're in the right place :)
So many have asked for this, so I've created you a BRAND NEW masterclass, to help you cut, condition, arrange and wrap your flowers.
In a series of simple video lessons I'll take you step-by-step through
- How to cut each of your flowers for the vase
- How to condition your flowers for the longest vase life
- A complete list of all recommended equipment
- How to arrange your flowers in posies and jam jars
- How to wrap your posies and bouquets so they look beautiful!
Also included is a downloadable printable guide to summarise which flowers are once and done, which have a short flowering window and which you are cut and come again all summer long.
You'll be able to follow along with my bite-sized videos so you can go from grown to given with flowers that have the longest possible stems, vase life and and biggest smiles received when you hand over your posies.
And you'll also receive all the new videos as they are added to the flower cutting library.
Yours to keep and review as often as you like.
as seen in