Planning the Grow to Give Garden Workshop
In this workshop recorded in the form of bite-sized videos we're going to have some fun planning our garden space to grow the most flowers we possibly can to give away in the space we already have.
Whether you have an acre of land or just a couple of metres, we'll make sure to design something that works for you.
(I can't promise by the end, you won't want to create more space to grow though!)
I'll share what's working for me in my garden right now, and what I've learned so I have even more flowers in the future. And if that helps you have more flowers to give - then I'm a happy lady :)

During this online workshop:
- I'll share with you the step-by-step planning process I use in my own garden - it's evolved over the past few months to ensure that my beds will (hopefully) never be empty again!
- We'll get out our tape-measures, pens and paper and create our plans together right there and then
- You'll leave with a beautiful, printable, simple guide for how much spacing you need for each plant, broken into annuals, hardy annuals and biennials, bulbs and tubers so you'll always have a quick-reference for future planning.
- And totally motivated and clear about what you need to do next
I want to make sowing, growing and giving as easy for you as possible - this is the best way I know how :)
"I really enjoyed the workshop...I also learned a lot about how to start planning my plot and how and where to plant. I think it gave me focus and although things may change as I go along, I'm working to my plan." - Rachel
"Attending the workshop was so worthwhile - especially for planning purposes (ie how much space to allow for each plant). Lots of useful things discussed during the session and so much information gained. I loved how interactive it was at times. Highly recommend. 😀" - Christine
"As a complete beginner I was a little apprehensive at signing up for this workshop. I need not have worried, Nicola explained everything very easily & I found it all very informative & interesting. I now understand how I’m going to plan my plot, how much to allow for each plant & so much more. xxx" - Gill
"I was really concerned as I'm no 'gardener' but love watching seeds grow. ! Am so looking forward to hopefully having lots of flowers later next year. Thanks Nicola Bird I enjoyed it and learnt lots x" - Sian
"I had planned my garden several times over in my head and in discussions but the value of this course is sitting down and actually planning it, on paper. The information helped to confirm my plans into a real, doable challenge and launched my garden dream project into the world of reality." - Norah
as seen in